The Source started with the patter of rain on leaves in my garden. As the storm exploded, I was filled with awe at the Power behind it all. How the whole universe is organised, planets on their appointed paths, fills me with huge respect for the Almighty's Mind that can keep His creations so brilliantly organised and sustained.
Dawn began at 3 am, a gibbous moon so brilliant that I could write down the music in my head seeing clearly the paper and pen marks! With my recorder I played the tune, hearing mentally the harp played in celtic style as I walked on the freshly washed sandy beach. Mine were the first footprints for the day. As dawn came into this grey world, the sun touched everything with colour. Even the rearing waves became a translucent lime green.
Resting In His Love came as I prayed, feeling peaceful as if floating on the sea, totally supported and safe in God's Arms amidst the waves of disaster that formerly overwhelmed me.
The Song "I Am" was the result of the realisation that music is everywhere. Every creature makes its music, melodic or percussive. I could hear deep base notes as the waves drummed on the rocky shore. As a baby I sang at my mother's breast so she told me. My own babies sang intuitively. The Queensland State Library for four years sent me all available recordings of creature sounds, including insects, crustaceans, creatures in ocean, sky and land. I also heard a recording by NASA of the music created by rotating planets. There is mention of star songs in the Bible and that God sings. Does He also conduct His Universes and creatures in mind blowing beautiful orchestrations? Is man missing out on being part of this experience?
Wonder is an instrumental dedicated to my daughter Tina for whom I have immense love and respect for her overcoming all obstacles she has, and is facing, in her life. She is authentic, immensely creative, funny and perceptive. From birth she has amazed and delighted me with her strong spirit and persistence. She still has this precious resilience in carrying out her plans, extending and challenging herself.
You Are Precious is a song for the students who have abused themselves, swore at me and even threw stones at my window as I looked out to see what the commotion and screaming on the street was about. Drunk, waving cigarettes and stoned, children ranged from primary to high school age. This is the song I sang to them one lunchtime soon afterwards. I was told by the deputy principal that this would be insulting to the community. They could listen anytime, even in class, to music from their I-pods with all sorts of graphic violent, sexual and drug related references. My song was banned. You be the judge.
God's Word has opened the doors to my mind, now aware of how good my life could be. I chose ongoing transformation. Self pity has no place. It required a real stretching of my imagination. Amazing Divine intervention in all my affairs has brought good out of even the worst of my experiences. The network of support, both human and heavenly, has filled me with thankfulness and joy. I love my life!
How did you treat your wife? Photos at the State Library in Brisbane of weddings in the 1800s showed various reactions to the marriage event. Some were happy, smiling. Others were glum, even grim. After marriage, "Did you speak death or life? Were your words, kind? Were they harsh? Did she weep? Did she laugh?"
Fill the World With Music words by my Mum, Gladys Petersen. Music by me. Meng-Lu Chiu recorded this harp arrangement and emailed it to me in time for Mum's funeral. Mum wanted this to be sung by all children in the world. Note: Recorded at Studio B Deloraine by Paul Flood.
All voices, harmonies are mine. Except for this last piece, all musical instrumentation is by me.